
Sequcia Wren

Sequcia Wren

My name is Sequcia Wren and I am the acting Chief of Security for the MDOC at the Mississippi State Penitentiary at Parchman. I have served MDOC for 18 years having held positions including correctional officer, correctional supervisor, correctional commander, and a deputy warden.

In my current assignment, I supervise the Emergency Operations Command, post office, Front School, Metal Fab, Visitation, 32 Laundry, and Ground Upkeep. I am responsible for the overall running of the institution and I make rounds in the units to ensure that all inmates are safe and free from harm. I am also responsible for executions. I have to make sure staff know their positions and that we carry out an execution without incident.

I had worked for MDOC previously and left in 1995, while in good standing, to pursue other opportunities. I knew that I could come back with no problem. Once I was hired, I made up in my mind that I was not going to just sit as a correctional officer. I enrolled in school at University of Phoenix to get my bachelor of science degree in criminal justice and received it in 2012. I did not stop there and wanted to further my education. In 2013, I received my master’s degree in psychology.

I wanted to advance in the ranks so therefore I wanted to make sure I was well equipped with the tools and training that I needed to be a successful supervisor. In 2015, I applied and was promoted to Correctional Supervisor. In 2017, I was promoted to Correctional Commander and Chief of Security from 2017-2018. I continued my education pursuing a second master’s Degree. In 2018, I was promoted to Deputy Warden of Administration where I am responsible for the running of EOC, Transportation, Post Office, Visitation, Ground Upkeep, 32 Laundry, and Front School.

I have learned so much while employed by MDOC. In 2020, I graduated from University of Phoenix with a master’s degree in business administration with a certificate in human resources. I am so glad that I came back to MDOC because I enjoy making a difference in people lives. I have gained so much respect from the inmates to the officers. I believe in treating people like I would like to be treated. MDOC has been good to me and I have met so many people through this organization that I will remember for a lifetime.


The best part of my employment is making a difference in the inmates’ lives and showing staff that they can make a difference. My slogan for the inmates is “I do not lie to them; if what they need is within MDOC policy, I will ensure that they get it.” I have gained so much respect from staff and inmates. When trainees come in I lecture them about the agency and advise them to not get involved with an inmate, then they will last a long time. I tell them to treat the inmates like they would like to be treated; do not lie to the inmates, and treat them like humans, then they will be at MDOC a long time. I love training people from the bottom to the top. I train them on how I came through the ranks without any disciplinary issues.

Working for the MDOC can benefit others by changing lives of inmates before they re-enter the community. I encourage others to come work here because it is a great place to work in spite of what is reported in the news. If employees are trained correctly, and not abused by staff and inmates, I believe they will make a career here and not just see it as a job.

I started when we were getting paper checks and now we are getting direct deposits. The raises have attracted people. When I come in contact with trainees, I advise them not to associate with negative people. If they encounter negative people, I tell them to ask the officer “If it is so bad, why are they still employed.”

I love working for MDOC and I also advise officers to be able to adjust to change because we are changing for the better - just stick with us.