News & Media

Press Releases

Title Date
MDOC congratulates recent MLEOTA graduates 03/21/2025
Group provides eye exams, glasses to inmates at SMCI 03/21/2025
Legislator visits state prisons on tour 03/19/2025
MDOC captures escaped inmate 03/07/2025
MDOC Agents honored for service with U.S. Marshal Fugitive Task Force 02/24/2025
Oversight Task Force moves forward after filing report to 2025 Legislature 02/10/2025
Job Fair set for late January 01/13/2025
MDOC offers 'Thanks' for service of all law enforcement officers 01/09/2025
MDOC Escaped Inmate captured 12/12/2024
MDOC Chief of Staff selected for MSPB Leadership Program 12/06/2024
Mississippi Inmates Harvest Over 143,000 lbs. of Produce 09/05/2024
Symposium to bring officials together to address ways to reduce number of people returning to prison 07/24/2024
College Degrees Giving Incarcerated Women Newfound Hope 06/12/2024
More than 100 inmates prepare to leave prison with new vocational skills 05/09/2024
MDOC honors fallen officers during memorial service 05/09/2024
MDOC Gets Creative With Rehabilitation 04/24/2024
New Reentry Academy creating pathways for inmates' success 04/10/2024
Walnut Grove to feature sale of inmate arts, crafts 03/19/2024
MDOC provides inmate labor for trash pickup 02/22/2024
Escapee Back in Custody 12/04/2023
MDOC opens first Prison Cosmetology School 10/16/2023
Update on Inmate Killed at Parchman 09/08/2023
Inmate killed at Parchman 09/07/2023
Murder Suspect Arrested After Caught on MDOC Cameras 07/14/2023
MDOC Dedicates New Chapel at Women's Prison 06/15/2023